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Case Studies

Out of 49 contenders, Cherwell chose Priority, primarily due to its "out of the box" process structure match to the Cherwell producti􀆟on process and the ongoing product support


The Ionopti􀆟ka team can now find parts within seconds rather than spend hours looking for them across the factory. All sales, purchasing, and accounti􀆟ng functi􀆟ons are now also managed
using Priority ERP.


With be􀆩tter management of their inventory & sub-contractors, BSC has achieved
greater traceability of their current stock & can now plan ahead for both purchasing & producti􀆟on.


The other vendors Wolfenden did consider were only around a 70-75% fit, whereas the Medatech Priority solution offered a 90% fit which with time could be enhanced further.

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SMI streamline unique manufacturing needs with Priority Software

SMI is able to manage its stock inventory at the level required for uninterrupted manufacturing

Having seen the benefits of regular solu􀆟tion upgrades, SMI signed up to receive programmed upgrades on an annual basis, enabling the company to remain at the forefront of technology.


ATG access accelerates growth using Priority, implemented and support by Medatech

“We began our path to growth using Priority ERP and the know-how from the team at Medatech - it has been a winning team for us, and we have no intention of changing that formula as we move into more specialised products and services that will continue to keep ATG access at the very forefront of the physical security market.”

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Allied Connectors boost stock control accuracy and efficiency

After spending many years looking for a suitable ERP system, Allied Connectors found Priority to be most beneficial in terms of ease of use, meeting their specific requirements, and potential to cater for the future growth of the business.


Carrs Tool Steels maintains productivity, profitability with ERP implementation

Following a thorough review of the market, Carrs turned to Priority Software and the UK implementation partner, Medatech.

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Merley Paper Converters have 20% cost-savings across the board

Priority helped us boost our change management, our approach to transitioning our company to redirect business processes and budget allocations.


Trutex increases process efficiency and productivity

According to global technology research and consulting firm, Omdia, in a newly-released report, UK schoolwear manufacturer, Trutex, automates processes and improves stock control with Priority ERP


Rodda’s integrated documentation scanning module increases efficiency and professionalism

Integrated documentation scanning is another module from Medatech that has enabled Rodda’s to scan in customer signed delivery notes which are automatically attached to the correct shipping transaction. This has increased the efficiency and professionalism of departments involved in all aspects of CRM.


Air Bearings Realises High ROI – 20% Improvement in Workflow

Priority gave us the tools we needed to really manage and control every aspect of our business. For the first time, we now had accurate costing data at our fingertips. This is where business efficiency starts and Medatech and Priority helped us get there.


Dunlop Systems & Components Gained complete control over all operational costs

Dunlop have the business intelligence module as part of their package which allows executive dashboards within the Priority ERP environment as well as on the MS outlook interface, allowing the management an excellent snapshot & drill down capability on the business processes & performance.

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