Hints & Tips
Colour code forms and systems with Shaked Levi Chrome Extension
If you work with Priority WEB software and manage multiple companies, this plugin is for you! The plugin helps you quickly distinguish between different companies by changing the background and header colour of forms according to the system set in the priority. This way you can avoid mistakes, optimise your work, and improve the user experience.

Hints and Tips 2024
Hints & Tips to use your Priority more efficiently day to day.
Focusing on beginners all the way to the most advanced users.
Navigation and Helpful Features
This month's webinar will focus on showing you how to utilize your system for speed, ease of use and accessibility. We will look at hotkeys, favourites menu, widgets, Form and menu design, actions, record colour and more. This webinar is aimed at all levels of users: Those that are not as comfortable navigating priority web or, veteran users who are interested in the features which already existed or have improved in v21. It should assist users in their everyday use of priority.
Hints and Tips in Priority
This session will focus on not only how to use Business Rules and Auto fill rules, but how to utilise them to improve your business processes, and how to utilise colours to give clear and obvious visual clues to your data.
Hints, Tips and Troubleshooting
This presentation includes the best Hints and tips to ensure you are using your Priority efficiently, also details of support and troubleshooting.